It arises out of several comments by several of my friends -- mostly on facebook -- who say they enjoy my status lines and comments. "You should have a blog," many of them have said.
Truth is, I do have another blog, but I don't publicize it much. It's known to a small group of friends, many of whom have their own blogs which are actually the basis of our friendship.
So, I have finally decided to expand my blogosphere a bit, and follow the advice of those friends. I'm not sure how often I will blog here, or what it will evolve into, but it will be largely about me, and use a lot of the type of rants that I've become known for among my facebook friends.
I guess I'll start at A for Abby. She has been occupying a lot of my thoughts the past couple of weeks.
Abby is my honourary granddaughter and Little Niece. Her Dad, Dan, is my Little Brother. We were matched by Big Brothers and Big Sisters in Timmins in July, 1993.
We quickly became very close, lifelong friends, and members of each other's families.
I was Best Man at his wedding to the woman I refer to as Pretty Christine, last April in Jamaica. Abigail -- or Abby -- was born February 26 in Timmins. I spent last weekend up there, getting to know Abby, and celebrating her birth with both sides of her family. Abby and I spent Saturday and Sunday evenings bonding, by cuddling with her sleeping on my chest. I am head over heels in love with the 6+ pound bundle, and look forward to being part of her life as she grows up, and having her as part of my life.
So, that's it for the first-ever instalment of Basic Bob. Your comments are welcome, be they compliments, criticisms or suggestions for future posts. Let's see where this takes us.
This is going to take you on the journey of your lifetime ..and hers ! God willing you will be at her wedding too . Treasure each and every wonderful moment.